Posted by: toobeeman | April 2, 2012

Greg Stromberg Carries 40 Lbs of Water On World Water Day Walk

I carried the water today for 3 miles which was very difficult. I was able
to start with 2 cases or 40 lbs. on my head and did a total of 40lbs (2 – 24
case packs) for a total distance of about 1.5 miles but I did carry the
other 20lbs (one 24 case pack) for the full distance 3 miles.

My arms were tired and my neck is stiff.

I can’t imagine these children carrying this water which weighs up to 50lbs
on their heads for 3 miles in heat. I challenge anyone to try this to have a
real appreciation for these kids and what it must be like.

In Wisconsin, all we do here is turn on a faucet and we have clean drinking
water. We are so spoiled and have so much abundance.

-Greg Stromberg

President and CEO CannedWater4kids


  1. Brilliant Greg…the most simple display is to emulate what these people have to do to get water…something we so take for granted. We have just had a chap doing “The Water Run” – in which he carried 5 Liters of water from John o Groats (Scotland) to Lands End (Cornwall) in 20 km per day hikes. Tip my hat to him, you and everyone else that are able to open our eyes and let us at the very least appreciate the ease at which we can access clean water. My company is all about educating people about the many health benefits constant hydration brings – because we have stopped drinking water in our western world. Bear in mind that up to 80% of the population is supposedly dehydrated (UK and US) even though water is at our fingertips….bit of a slap in the face to people who can’t get good water.

    Keep up the good work Greg…you are impressive.

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